City of Tigard
Nicole Hendrix
City Management
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan sets the direction of our community priorities for the next five to twenty years. Our vision highlights where we want to go and what we want to be while our priorities point to how we are going to achieve our vision.
Strategic Plan Vision
Tigard: an equitable community that is walkable, healthy, and accessible for everyone.
Our Strategic Priorities
- Set the standard for excellence in public service and customer experience.
- Create a well-connected, attractive and accessible pedestrian network.
- Ensure development and growth supports the vision.
On the Podcast
Amber Bell, Readers Services Manager & Joanne Bengtson, Executive Assistant to the City Manager, discuss the city's refreshed strategic plan to be "an equitable community that is walkable, healthy, and accessible for everyone."
Where We Started
Tigard adopted its first 20-year strategic vision in 2014 to become, “The most walkable community in the Pacific Northwest where people of all ages and abilities enjoy healthy and interconnected lives.” In 2017 staff launched an effort to reflect on and evaluate our vision and its associated goals. This process provided an opportunity to refine, re-align and strengthen our strategic plan to meet current priorities and needs of the community.
What We Heard
We heard the concepts of walkable, inclusive, health, connection and community remain important and need to be further defined.
Opportunities were identified to adjust the following:
- The vision should balance being both aspirational and achievable.
- Identify measures to account for progress and success.
- Incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion framework throughout the strategic plan.
- Better align city services to the plan.
- Build and better incorporate the concepts of safety and climate change.