City of Tigard
Tiffany Gehrke
Principal Transportation Planner
503-718-2457 I Email
2040 Transportation System Plan Documents
Transportation System Plan
The 2040 Transportation System Plan (TSP) was initiated in 2020 and responds to a new strategic vision for Tigard’s future, which emphasizes developing a multi-modal transportation system that is walkable, healthy, sustainable, and accessible for everyone. This TSP serves as an important long-range planning tool for Tigard to ensure its transportation system can meet community needs, realize the City’s strategic vision, and conform to state and regional policies.
The document meets the state requirements for a TSP and acts as a resource for staff, decision makers, and the public. It identifies the preferred multi-modal transportation system, consisting of a network of facilities adequate to serve local, regional, and state transportation needs. It is the principal document used for identifying the function, capacity, and location of future facilities, directing resources to transportation projects, and providing the community with the level of investment that will be needed to support anticipated growth and development over the next 19 years.
The TSP also serves as the transportation element, and as a supporting document of the Tigard Comprehensive Plan as required by state law. Goals and policies were identified at an early stage of the TSP update and are adopted as the Goal 12: Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. These goals and policies will help to guide future decisions related to Tigard’s transportation system.