City of Tigard
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Tiffany Gehrke
Transportation Planner
503-718-2457 I Email
Complete Streets
What are Complete Streets?
Simply put, a street or transportation system is complete if it provides the design and infrastructure elements required to serve each mode of travel whether on foot, by bicycle, on transit, or automobile. Complete streets policies help to ensure that all road users, including our most vulnerable, are provided with the facilities they need to safely navigate city streets, sidewalks, and off-street trails.
Tigard’s Complete Streets Policy envisions a vibrant and healthy community where people of all ages and abilities can travel safely, efficiently and comfortably on a well-connected and optimized multi-modal network of roads, trails, and paths.
Tigard’s Complete Streets Policy:
- Formalizes Tigard’s commitment to scoping, designing, building, and maintaining transportation facilities and network to equitably serve all users and abilities regardless of travel mode,
- Provides needed transportation policy guidance to bridge the gap between Tigard’s current auto-oriented urban form and the vision laid out in Tigard’s Strategic Plan, and
- Identifies goals and priority implementation actions to be taken over the next several years as part of the Tigard Complete Streets Implementation Plan.