City of Tigard
Tigard Permit Center
13125 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard, OR 97223
503-718-2421 I Email
The Planning Division provides a wide variety of services and support for both development review and the long-term growth and livability of the community. Planning staff work with residents and developers on everything from visioning projects to approving final development plans. The division also creates and maintains long range plans that guide development in Tigard and improve community livability for the full spectrum of Tigard residents.
Development Review
Plans & Programs
Affordable Housing
The city is committed to facilitating the development of affordable housing in Tigard. The city has undertaken a variety of voluntary actions to support and enhance opportunities for affordable housing.
Annexation to the City of Tigard is a formal process that may be initiated by the city or by individuals with property in the Urban Growth Boundary. Annexation is required in order to get access to City services such as sewer and water. The city’s policy is to invite voluntary annexation based on the benefits of being within the city.
Complete Streets
Tigard is a vibrant and healthy community where people of all ages and abilities can travel safely, efficiently and comfortably on a well-connected and optimized multi-modal network of roads, trails, and paths.
Comprehensive Plan
Tigard's Comprehensive Plan provides the broad policy basis for Tigard's land use planning program. The Plan represents the vision and values of the Tigard community, and is intended to help guide long-term city planning efforts.
Transportation System Plan
The 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) links expected growth with transportation needs. Essentially, the TSP sets the policy framework for the city's transportation system. It includes a list of strategies and projects that will guide future investments.
Urban Forestry
The City of Tigard has a proud history of commitment to preserving, enhancing and maintaining its urban forest. The city's trees provide an important backdrop for life in Tigard. Tigard’s program is based on an innovative approach to maintaining and increasing the overall tree canopy of the City over time.