City of Tigard
Hall Boulevard Visioning
During 2022 and 2023, the Hall Boulevard Corridor Visioning Project engaged the Tigard community in a robust conversation resulting in a plan for an improved Hall Boulevard that will allow people of all ages and abilities to walk, roll, ride transit, and drive wherever they need to go.
The overarching vision and detailed recommendations are presented in the final Hall Boulevard Corridor Vision CDR document. Completion of the project and plan supports the City of Tigard’s efforts to secure funding needed to make improvements and ultimately to take over jurisdictional ownership of the road from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).
The CDR envisions a future Hall Boulevard that provides safe and viable mobility options for the entire community with a specific focus on the needs of the underserved and transportation-disadvantaged.
Currently owned and maintained by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Hall Boulevard is a key transportation corridor within the City of Tigard. The road provides access and mobility to a broad cross-section of our local and regional population and is adjacent to several different and varied land uses.
Today, however, the road no longer meets the needs or expectations of a community that has grown around it. Aligned with Tigard’s Strategic Vision priorities focusing on increasing walkability, connectivity, and equity, the Corridor Visioning Project will support the city’s goal of improving and ultimately taking over jurisdictional ownership of the road.
The intent of this project is to establish existing conditions, needs, and constraints, and develop conceptual design options and planning level cost estimates for future capital improvements to the road. Once completed, ODOT and the City will partner in identifying and securing funding to address deferred maintenance needs in addition to project-identified safety and multi-modal improvements.
The Corridor Visioning Project will build from recent related planning carried out during the 2040 Transportation System Plan update, Southwest Corridor transit-oriented development, the Washington Square Regional Center Plan update, and the current Downtown Reimagined project.
Three common goals from these planning efforts will be used to guide this project:
Safety and comfort for people walking or bicycling is an essential component of the Hall Boulevard Corridor Visioning Project. While creating a multimodal system is a goal in all City transportation policies, “walkability” is especially emphasized in Tigard planning goals. A walkable transportation system is one that is safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities.
Improving connections for all transportation system users is another critical goal for the Hall Boulevard project. City policies call for providing access to jobs, schools, and essential services with convenient and affordable travel options. The Strategic Plan aims to make parks available to all residents within a 10-minute walk. Increased connectivity supports economic vibrancy, which will be essential for the development of the Tigard Triangle, Downtown, and Washington Square Regional Center.
A key goal for the Hall Boulevard Corridor Visioning Project is to ensure that the planning process is inclusive and that the transportation outcomes serve everyone, especially those from historically marginalized and underserved communities. City plans often reference this goal in the context of accessibility and affordable travel options, as well as supporting environmental and community health.